Laser Skin Resurfacing Case

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Laser Skin Resurfacing Before and after photo Laser Skin Resurfacing Before and after photo
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Laser Skin Resurfacing Before and after photo Laser Skin Resurfacing Before and after photo
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  • Laser Skin Resurfacing

Details for Case #12494

Delicate facial tissues often emphasize some of the most frustrating tell-tale signs of age. Once fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet begin to appear around our mouths and eyes, the whole face may take on a less-vibrant appearance. This 54-year-old woman was concerned with fine lines that had developed on her face as well as her facial skin’s overall texture. She wanted to find a Long Beach area plastic surgeon who could understand her goals and provide her with a more desirable look.

During her initial consultation with her plastic surgeon at Marina Plastic Surgery Associates, this woman explained that she wanted to achieve healthier, firmer-looking skin. Her surgeon recommended a “Pearl” laser and a “Pearl Fractional” laser double treatment to smooth out a wide range of lines and wrinkles. Laser skin resurfacing options such as the Pearl treatments help the skin look younger by treating not only fine lines and wrinkles but also scars, age spots, spider veins, stretch marks, and uneven pigmentation, encouraging the skin to regenerate itself naturally.

This woman has seen great improvements to her facial lines, crow’s feet, and the texture of her skin. Her face looks and feels firmer and more vibrant, without the “pulled-down” look of loose skin and wrinkles. For her, a minimally-invasive treatment was enough to achieve the changes she wanted, but for patients with more extensive wrinkling or saggy skin, a Beverly Hills area plastic surgery procedure such as a face lift might be more appropriate.

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