Skincare & Makeup Case

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  • Skincare & Makeup

Details for Case #12894

This 55-year-old woman had always wanted to have a more even contour to her lips and wanted more definition in her eyes and eyebrows. Having considered getting permanent makeup applied, she decided it was time to find out more about the procedure. She scheduled a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to discuss how permanent makeup in Los Angeles could address her concerns.

During her consultation, her surgeon examined her lips, eyes and eyebrows and asked her how she wanted them to look after the makeup was applied. She explained that she wanted to have fuller, more evenly balanced lips. She wanted to have permanent lip-liner applied so she could still change the shade of her lip color. For her eyes, she wanted to have a dark liner to add definition and make her eyes pop. She wanted to darken her eyebrows as well.

Overall, the application took very little time, but left her with well-defined features. Her lips look much more balanced in her “after” photos and have a full, voluptuous appearance. Her eyes look striking and larger and her eyebrows complement her light hair nicely. She was thrilled with the results of her treatment and was happy she had contacted our center for plastic surgery in Los Angeles.

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